Welcome to Potato Camera Creation's Cupboard

Open up the door to the cupboard, and you'll never know what you'll find inside. Mostly a place for me to ramble on about stuff, as it keeps me off the streets with a megaphone. The police hate it when I do that.


Ramble on

Well I think I've set this place up pretty good. Nothing too fancy, but it works for now. I'm sure the more I go on learning the codes for things, I can do something really cool with it, but right now it suits me just fine, though I can see the poetry page getting really long as the days turn into a year. Maybe I'll look into figuring that out when it comes to that. I'll probably have learned some new stuff along the way to sort it out before then, like how to organize them by month kind of like an old blogger style where you have the content, and then links off to the side with months and years would be nice.

That aside, I am loving checking out other neocities sites, and the amazing creative stuff people have done to their pages. It's very inspirational to see, and keeps me motivated to learn more and more as I set up my little place here. I can see me loosing a good portion of my weekend to discovering more about coding websites to the point people will think I'm a shut-in


This whole community is a breath of fresh air, and very nostalgic for me, as I was a teen in the 90s and enjoyed all the cool personal webpages you would come across.

Keep breathing in stardust you wonderful critters.



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What is art?

I was reading the amazing comic called Nothing Comic made by Lilyellowtags: https://www.lilyellowtags.com/
And thought to share this part in the comic with people. It reflects my ideas of art perfectly. 

I feel that's why a lot of people think, "oh I couldn't create anything, I can't draw or write." 
Or, "I'm just not good enough to share it." And that really hurts my heart. If YOU create it, then it is art. The kind of art I love is the imperfect. 

Sure the great master artists are amazing to look at, but I feel that it can be intimidating to people. I was intimidated to share things in the past. Maybe it's my age now where I just don't care, or because I do this for fun, and if someone likes it, then that's wonderful. Maybe because I don't have the pressure to make something for money? I don't know. 

But I do hope some of my silliness does help someone out there to share stuff they make, or try drawing or writing or something like that, because I honestly feel that doing something creative each day is good for the soul. You don't even have to share it with the world, and just with trusted friends, or even if it's just for yourself, I truly believe it can be beneficial to our mental well being and confidence. 

Its hard to articulate enough to fully write out what I feel about art and how I think everyone on earth has the power to create something enjoyable to others if they just move past their self-doubt and comparing their stuff to other people's, which isn't something to do in life in general anyway. 

Well, enough of my rambles. Please check out Lilyellowtags and show them some love. Their work is really cool and glad I came upon their zine. 


Happy creating, and keep breathing in stardust internet traveler. 



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