Words Within The Static

My daily poetry blog

October 2024 poems


Rebirth Through Song

October 11, 2024

With discipline in tatters, she fell through music notes

mutilating against the sharp edges of duplets, and razor note tails.

Pieces of her fall to the earth like fleshy angel feathers, that

make ripples when they hit the water.

Not much left now but bone to build back up,

through melodies, and maladies,

and clay for the parts that she's short on.



What's up?

October 10, 2024

The past years we pulled down heroes that was raised up on wood,

and celebrated instead the instant gratification of fly by night salesmen.

We lost it, or did we ever have it?

If we did, where did it go?

When we look around drunkenly as if in a long 5 year slumber,

and forget where we are, and who we're next to, and ended up

surrounded by strangers in a foreign land.

Something strange is going down.

It's here,

and around,

when you put your ear to the ground.




Wisps of the past

Oct. 09, 2024

When you had faced the last eclipse behind her image,

and you have fallen deaf to the rest of her words,

find a place beside me here, and rest your head

on my thighs, and I'll tell you that it's gone.

She can't hurt you anymore.

She was nothing but a decade's long phantom,

and nothing more.



Wake Up

Oct. 08, 2024

(This is the start of the new daily poetry on this page as I brought the rest over from previous blog which is all below this entry.)

I can't awaken you any more than I can

when you're eyes are heavy with the coins on them

and copper wires have wrapped down your tongue. 

I can't waken 100 years of slumber, and make you 

cough up ash, and soil to rebirth you.

You have to do that work on your own. 




My lips are haunted by his kisses, and how he would shatter
the glass buildings in Le Sud-Ouest with just a glance.
Amazing statues to dust with his voice, and brush the paint
in all the art galleries in the city with the dash of the wind
in his hair. He's gone to the angels now. He burned up like a
phoenix far to quick that the gods were not prepared enough
to grant the rebirth.
If you live too fast, you crash very hard.


Songs from a box

I emptied the last of the music out of the old box

that sat in the basement corner for three years.

It's contents spilling out into my lap, and the

songs induced a time travel experience by

unlocking the keyholes of my eyes to see backwards,

and that song reminded me of who I was, or thought  I was

back then.

Funny how in the span of 10 years life can change.

We think the present time we're in will last forever,

and nothing will change, but in the breath of a tree's

leafy lungs, life can be resewn, put back together,

and be torn apart just the same, yet the only thing

that remains the same is a song.


Tied to spider webs

He went to wash the spider web off his eyelids in the rain.

strands so fine and strong that it leaves paper cut slits behind.

He said he would never go back there. He said he would get on the

next fucking plane and be over with it.

But he never does. He stays feeling locked in place.

Time is running out for you, my darling.

Nothing in your environment fades.

You can't will it away.

Make the next step.

It's all yours now.


Going into Hibernation

We used to be able to work past the cold ice of winter,

but now we lay frozen in the ground, neglecting

the tastes of lemon sugar flakes on our tongues that

remind us that the winter is really not that long.

Things freeze, things thaw, and freeze again.

Sometimes in the darkest days of winter we forget that happens.

Spring renewal always lifts up up out of frosted sleep,

and gives us all birth again.


Best of Friends

You trembled at the sight of witches flying outside the window,

and you're mother's face ghostly rising out of the wallpaper,

or the strange doppelgangers in the kitchen shadows while

everyone slept but you.

You knew. No one else did, or did they?

You didn't want to go back, or to stay.

You found no solace in either way.

You did find it only in yourself.

You're own world that you dare not let anyone penetrate.

You laughed, and played, and dreamed freely.

You have to remember little girl,

that your own best friend is you.

Treat yourself as such.


Wing Bones

Sometimes it's hard to trace this pen over this paper, like I would

trace my fingers down your body, and write an invisible poem down

your back in exquisite calligraphy, telling the wild tale of my love.

I wanted to be that woman for you, and bring to you my feminine power softly

when your storms crack through the sky and hammer you down.

I need to wash my body in sage smoke to cleanse this longing,

and bite down on sodalite to shatter your name from my mouth.

These wings broke trying to fly too much.

These hands that write over this page are cramped, and words fade away like old tattoos.

My body is cold without you inside me, and my lips grown numb to your name.

I wrap myself in the shawl of my broken wings, and will learn to grow stronger

in this cocoon, devoid of you, until solitary becomes strength,

and my wing bones heal themselves to fly in the opposite direction

of where you wait.


Bonne Nuit

She was tough as nails and never faltered it seemed.
The only time I heard her cry was when the cat died.
She never cried for her husband, that I know.
She gave up after that. She never told, but I know.
Outside her tough exterior was cracking and sorrow
Leaked through, like tears out of gashed wounds.
She fell, and layed on the floor for days until she was found.
Her dignity as wounded as her hip.
She was afraid to go outside after that.
She retreated back into the dark parts of her house,
and saw no one.
Went so far into the dark house within herself and
Curled up in the bed waiting for death to come.
Bonne nuit Marguerite.
Bonne nuit.


Go back to the top of the page.

September 2024 poems

Hair pins and Black Water

She picks up hair pins she finds at the Fairview Lawn Cemetery

hoping to capture the phantom of an ocean breeze in her hair before

the iceberg crash, and plunges her into the cold black water,

with only sea to breathe, and the ocean floor for her bed.

She rests here now, and wanders for eternity looking for shells

but finding only discarded candy wrappers and old coffee cups

distastefully strewn around stone markers, that the ghosts regretfully see

before the groundskeeper comes in the morning to pick them up.

She drops a hair pin from her cold white little hand and it disappears

before it hits the ground. She fades into the background of

early morning city cars that dash beyond the fence, only to

preform the ritual all again, the next night.


Like Liquid

The tv through the window across the street

plays like a box inside a box,

flickering like a bluebell swaying just a little

outside smokey mists, in an evening interlude

when you walked past it to preform our distance ritual.

So many ways, 50 I can at least count, that can pull the bridge closer,

close the gap, drain the harbour, press through telephone wires that

make up this city's veins. I become liquid for you, dissolve into harbour water, into the mist, and

like blood through telephone veins.



Drop your supplies,

and shake my underground resistance.

When distances pull close,

and grass kisses feet,

and cities give up their dust,

and golems return to clay.

When two hands meet,

and we unfold,

only then the legend told

of two moons that orbit each other

collide sweetly making

the night so bright it

becomes day,

will leap from the old pages

in dusty books about

love and lust,

on the back shelves

on the bottom corner

that everyone

in the library



Between Conversations

Between conversations about fires that roar underground,

and how we stand on them without melting, and

the descriptions of light reflecting off a coin in the grass,

you brushed my lips with your eyes, and I taste

their blue ice pop flavour

which take me decades away from here, to

childhood ice cream truck chimes, and the old sliding

floor freezer of the corner store, which always smelled of wet cardboard

and cigarette smoke.



You are so stoic, and people have whispered low

on how they swear they saw you move once.

You blink your eye and you change under the shadow

of the tree, with the moon behind, enveloping you

in mystery and myth.

I put my hand to your chest, and swear I felt a beat, and breath,

somewhere deep under all your centuries of stone.


Catching the taxi home

The silver smell of the cool night air

comes like a title wave as I turned the corner.

A soft flutter of chimney smoke is somewhere

and all the night streets tonight seem to be asleep

too early for a Saturday night.

I thought about how you used to walk down the street

on Saturday nights, with the rhythm of Kerouac in

your foot falls, and a Waits grumble

from the mouth of your eyes.

You dashed in and out of street lights like a

flickering memory that goes in and out

like a loose lightbulb.

Good night, my friend.

I hope you finally have caught that taxi.


Star Cream

star cream dreams could be real

what you can have as her gift to you

yet you stay where you are in a bed of bitterness

and your barren harvests go unacknowledged

by gods and goddesses that turned their backs tired

you tire of dust everywhere and cobwebs of

emptiness of love that was of convenience at

the time and smothered you long for her star cream

and wish you could dare to










This Morning After

I wake next to him and breath that first breath
The morning after.
Last night I disrobed before him - bare in my non-fiction,
and he read my pages like a student.
I take my experimental first steps this morning after.
Do I proceed steady on my feet, or run wild
like a lassoed horse who broke free?
Do I remain naked, or wrap myself in yards
of gauze?
I can't move at his side, and his half closed blue eyes
which silently gaze into mine some strange magicks.
My heart quietly pounds as I think to make my way dizzily
back to the city where the street lights can hide most things,
like a heart who never wants to give up her
independence and far away from this passion
like a kaleidoscope of beautiful coloured broken glass.


Rough Beauty

She's as beautiful as a chipped vase

with each bit of paint that is scratched,

shows the purity of porcelain beneath.

Bare beauty needs no paint or decoration.

Rough diamonds never show scratches,

it only adds to their character.

She stands strong against the cold wind,

issuing it a challenge to come at her.

It always backs down.

It would be a fool to cross her.



Like gulls who move closer to land to die,

she fell with the late afternoon,

splashed concrete to bone,

and it was that when she awoke

and realized she hadn't suffered the fate

like her mother,

she knew that the divine was on her side,

and she knelt on shredded road ripped knees

to give thanks.


Beyond Twilight

Kiss me with fire so that it burns me back to purity.

Tell me there's a future inside the divination of your lapis stones,

where you and I share our shadows

against rocks, grass, and walls,

and where your hand passes through the energy field

just above my body,

to make contact during the hours

beyond twilight.


Cat Dreams

You eat meat

and there for you know blood

like your ancestors.

You curl up to sleep

in the shadow half of a tree,

until the fluttering bird

shoots out of a branch,

waking you from

jungle dreams.


Waiting for Impact

It's so hard for you to move away from the situation

when you have the decision to make,

either you run gently or wildly,

or stay in a spot

like a deer about to be hit with a car

on a lonely road,

you breathe in the heavy lead air,

and realize you're trapped.


Wait for the impact.


Full Force

If we had the sense to move closer

and crash through this glass barrier

with both forces connecting as one

we could be something the universe

never saw before.

How I would make love to you

would be the greatest show on earth,

and the way we would kiss each other

would become legend.

Yet, glass barriers keep us both

just out of reach of one another.

I'm afraid to fall in love hitting the ground

full force.


Night Travel

I trace my fingers down the indent of your back where your spine is

like a long road, that I would travel down all night,

hoping to hitch a ride out of this city,

where pigeons keep watch over sleeping crows,

and sirens play like background music most the night.

You turn around and I press my ear to your chest

so I can hear the earth speak.

The rhythm of life, and love under the gravel of your body.

"How do you want me?"
I whisper to the empty road.


Nostalgic Shelter

Loud drumming beat of rain against the glass, and the air feels like

cold metal against the skin, washed out in the rain storm

inside the one remaining old phone booth in the city.

The light above broken,

decades of graffiti and

unknown phone numbers scrawled

on the walls inside,

the phone receiver missing,

and coin box ripped out and

a coffee cup and candy wrappers now

​take up residence inside.

Yesterday's conveniences are today's burdens.

Some one pays for this thing being here

useless to almost everyone now,

​except I'm thankful for it's shelter

​after being caught off guard in this storm

that lasted about the same time it took to

write this in my notebook.


In Time

When you're as barren as a night time parking garage,

and your broken wings can't raise you to the sky,

healing comes with time,

and time fills up

the sand in the glass anew.

When the clock's crippled hands are given prosthetics,

and the healed coils turn once more,

time does all this

in time.

Then in time,

healed wings soar.


The Crone and the Moon

I have come to realize that everything that was leading up to this time,

was all worth it.

Both losses and mistakes made bitterly beautiful water for the growth of

knowledge I had to sow.

The masks I wore for various events and people,

now are laying useless in the bottom of an old chest.

There's nothing to prove anymore to myself or any one.

There's no acceptance I need to seek anymore than that from myself.

No need for the bravado that thundered in my heels, and long nails - the illusion of a young woman

who had to prove her worth to the world.

I'm worthy in my own self.

Strong in my body and soul.

Here I am now.

Naked of masks.

Soft with my thunder.

Sensuous with my dominance.

Fully owning what it is to becoming the crone

who humbly draws down the moon in her

solitude, and silent strength.


He went without

Desolate streets snaked through the city within him

he built cathedrals between wars that raged.

He would always take breaks in between his work,

to search for fossils in the sand.

Though he built this city with his bare hands,

and his buildings stood strong, yet his

windows melted like liquid

when sunlight hovered too long upon them.

He couldn't get it right, you see;

making glass solid.

He couldn't remember the formula.

So we went without the barriers of windows,

and without finding her fossilized heart.


But it never came

Was there ever a time where you knew how to

protect yourself from that demon?

A time where you stopped burying the blinking glass

eyes of dolls in the sand on beaches to keep you

safe from the hex?

You hungered to be free

in the forest where you can finally shout back at

the mirror of sky without the questioning eyes

of the city, and you can walk barefoot like a

drunken bohemian in the moss, and tell the

story of the old skeleton of the sea.

The last window you tried to open

let too much night in, and you

had to sweep it away until dawn, but

the sun never came up.



Where ever I go

And no matter where I've been

You come with me

As I go with you

The moon still rises

And the sun still sets

And the cycle of life continues on

Now you're dead

Chiming crackling cackles

Is the noise a skeleton makes

Trying on a new body to walk this earth again

I've passed by strangers many times in the streets

Each elderly woman I wonder

If you would have looked like her


I ran late

  I've always been late for everything.   

                                                          I've always been somewhere else than a place I should have been.


Just like with you.

Too late to have quenched my thirst with your rain wet lips.

Not been where you were when your body ached for covering.

I can't drink rain from your lips

or cover your body when the lights go out.

But I can look northeast and dream that I was on time.


Feral Child

The wind whipped around the street coming down rue Peel,

and clanked bottles together like cheery bones toppling over.

I ran with a pack of wolves like a feral child.

Learning their ways, and letting them raise me as if I never had human parents.

I slept near to their fur and held in a scream as I was bitten by their teeth.

They would bring me garbage as gifts and lick my bite wounds.

I'm sorry brothers and sisters.

I have to leave you to the kennel and return to the human world for a bit.

Think on me when you howl at the icy sickle moon.



I thought I saw you in the crowded streets of Queen and Clyde,

and for a moment I almost reached out but it wasn't you.

You were left to the wind a long time ago

and scattered like a flock of crows to various parts of this city.

Half of you here, half there,

and one part of you took the crosstown to the other side

to hide in between two stones.

The wind is always invisible unless it has you in it.


Sex and Violence

Black attack

through the back

and back

through the front line

of my heart

you attack


left me for dead

as I back from the attack

and back for more


Free Poetry

I think about those wild nights

on rue Sainte Catherine's

when I was naively street wise

and corked the night in a bottle

and laid myself down on concrete and velvet

spread open like a book for men to read

yet they were only concerned

with the pictures

and that my poetry was free


Hungry Grass

 I dream in the lyrics of stone tablets

I yearn like a wanderer deprived of water for too long

Between the earth's breath I hear the hungry grass

 moan my name










I wish to study
the effect of
gravity on your eyelids
or the mathematical correlation
between the phases of the moon
tangled in your hair
and the yearning hieroglyphics
of your lips.



We splash

into each other

and break our mouths

on the sidewalks of each other's body.

Be my fountain,

fill the abyss,

the world turns

on it's own axis

as we make love

like jackals at the kill.


Catching the Moon

the moon in the river

is hard unless you know

the magic spell

and your neck is anointed

with the right perfumed oils

then you can claim him

and make him your own.


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August 2024 poems


Down overgrown paths

hidden between two trees

surrounded by wetlands

the two lovers sit together

stone skin

too distant

to touch with

human hands


Mist Birds

Here between

the harbour

and the misted park

come and meet me

and bring along your pear nectar

and honey

and I'll bring wine

and rye

and we will be like

two budgies

who peck at our mirrors

and chirp incantations into the sky.


Silver and wires

He makes the air slide

like slivers of silver silk-speech

spoken sleekly,

and still the wind

whirls with words

woven through waves of wires.





Just Like That

Like running a violin bow across a candle flame

Like the great mechanical wheel that is the center of the earth

Like the wind up tin birds that take to the sky

Like when your consciousness ignites at birth

When the lioness so wild at your hand is tamed

All are equal to the lapis flecks in needle eyes.


Ne'multes/Au revoir

When you go

little crow

be safe

and fly

until you

are just

a dot

in the sky.



We waited until the vines grew up our legs

and our fingernails haven't grown long enough

to rip the stitches from our lips.

I knew that some day this ocean will erode your face

like some decaying ship

and fish will nestle in the bend of your elbows.

When mornings disturb us like an annoying phone call

and nights bring no rest

we are like two birds who forgot how to fly away

but flew too far from their nest.


Tutji'j a' gwi's (Little daughter and son)

You pulled out my words

and I lost my talk

You cut my hair

and I lost my culture

You took my drum

and I lost my heartbeat

You took my Indian

But I am still here.


Happy Birthday

For Stephen

I pray the coming years

bring you health and

the joy of your soul

spilith over.

I pray that you never hurt

going forward

and always remember

what it is to laugh.

I pray you recieve breath

when you wake

in the morning

and awake to the sun.


And I pray that

you dine on the

orange mint floss

of angels.

The List

If you walked beside me

you will always walk beside a poet

not the one anyone would call a genius

but would paint your image

the best she knows how

in the form of languages and fire

I can't promise I will bring you everything you desire,

but I can give you the following:

pleasure with my body,

wine when you're thirsty,

an ending to your story,

and give you a love  

that will break your heart forever.


Who Claims Sapphires

Legends say only the most powerful women can approach them

and have them choose who is worthy like some sword in a stone.

Have them beside her when she walks the streets and people know

how rich she is as they gleam in the sunlight

and moon light and at night glint blue sparks upon her softly scented skin.

I am a peasant who wanders in dark and dust and lust for such a jewel.

I'm only a dreamer of sapphires majestically adorning my mouth

and making me feel like I own land.


It's all politics

Something has to give

when you feel like you're caught

in the throat of this city

which is being strangled

by some unseen giant hands.

The buildings cough and gag

and vomit the people out of their doors.

The heat wave burning up everything

that it feels like soon this whole

fucking city is about to explode

into a mushroom cloud.


That moment of blissful





and slow motion

when the fluffy black cloud rises up

and trinkles it's radio active dust down on us

like gray celebration confetti.


Identity Loss

It sings like a brutal dove

or an ape with angel's glands

a song of enslavement

and not knowing where you stand.
You gave them your fingerprints

and gave up your identity

the evening you followed their song

leaving you caged without dignity.
Why stay where you are unsure

who you are anymore

when there's nothing tangible

and your identity can't soar?


For Mony

You really knew how to shake up the street

splashing your boots against the concrete dans la rue Saint-Denis.

How I miss those nights at Promenade Bellerive

drinking all night and listening to mixed punk tapes on your old tape player

until the batteries wore out or we ran out of beer

whichever came first.
Continuez à vous riot, mon sœur !


On Waiting

He told me he keeps breathing in dust
that ghosts leave behind,
and wishes that he can claw out
from a bed that is like a cemetery.
When you are tired of sleeping
with worms and decay,
I will draw up plans
to write the formula for gold
When you separate all the lead from
the soil in your life.

Wasting time

When crows perch on sundials

Time becomes distorted

And I wish that can happen

All the time

Wasting time

With you.


Evening's End

Day moves to a close
like shadows on a cinema screen
till all goes dark
and birds close their
like little pieces
of dough stuck on
under the darkening sheet
of sky.



When you have moved to the address  
located at the exact place where night and day cross paths,
and time is at a standstill,
I promise to meet you there,
when both of us casts only one shadow,
and our surfaces are both barren,
except for the collision that will happen
when night and day cross paths.



The air is so humid and heavy that you become part of the atmosphere around us
Your skin scent becomes heady like the musk of earth and wet stone
and I brace against your shoulders against the rhythm
ebb and flow
Until I splash over you like a wave
Exalted by your mad love.


The wolf

I dared to stare too long into his wolf-eyes

gleaming the colour of moonlight on stones

he fed me his intoxicating nectar

and I fell under his fur

past his flesh

and into space and back



Lets stalk through this forest

lay down on wet stones

experience their stories

and wet leaves become

our hair flowing down

to cover the dead in



Poverty Hearts

This country is having a nervous breakdown.

Even God's angels have taken to whiskey

drunkenly plummeting off steeples

vomiting holy bile in the gutters

which staving children mistake for candy.


Yet Ignorance in a woke Tesla drives by,

shortly after dining on gold,

annoyed that all these children are screaming,

and will the drunks stop pissing themselves

and go home.


Voynich Address

Laying against the hill's pregnate belly

your words are heart beat breathy and

your eyes are glazed over like a ship

that is too far away to see.

Remember the time before this

when your body was not an artifact

and your name was a

word written in a tome

that only someone from 1000 years ago

knew how to speak it?




The city is on fire

Pausing on my bike, waiting for a bus to pass

that's coming down Wyse like a cream coloured bullet

scattering the concrete heat

vapour blue wave colours of

the buildings all over the side

and a woman walks by

wearing a red wool worrying coat


In this heat?


The flash of a punk's spikes passes by

shaking loose men's neckties

wanting to throw off

the conventualism casting aside

and a child's strawberry ice cream

melts down their hand, pink on brown

making a beautiful and fun contrast to it all.


Café flickers

People flickering past the window

glossed with rain, mumble about

the end of the world, and love lost

and complain about falling eyes

are the reason they lost sight of everything.


I sip my coffee, and I think

why complain as it changes nothing

and the world still goes on without our input

here on a Tuesday evening

too hot for sleeping.


Visiting Grandma

The footsteps are still in dusty floors

that splintered under wet memories

that this place once had life

and those now are residual celluloids

played through walls

and out of the cracks in floor boards.

In the empty kitchen on the old oak table

is a white and pink flowered

cracked tea cup with a faded gold rim

against the dim aged yellow wall

where your ghost sits waiting for company.


I've paid my time

Open the window and let me loose

I've paid my time

in the jail of your arms.

Let this bird fly on her own

into the sky

and over forgotten farms

left to rot.

We too will dissolve back

to the places we once came

like wood to earth

and I to your arms.


A Gift in this Post Apocalyptic World

You can't build castles out of the sand
of dust of fallen cities,
and you can't tame the fire that man discovered
and then betrayed.
When the smell of corroding metal
litters the side streets,
and we've lost the memory
of what grass was the colour of,
when we are craving the feel
of words on pages,
I will come to you
not holding onto
dusts of cities,
or words
or fire
but water
to wash your feet.


Orchid Orphans

The scattering of seeds to the wind

we drift apart to plant ourselves

separate from each other.

Rain comes to wash

away our sins

as the sun burns

it away




The hardest thing about writing

is trying to move memories onto paper in the form of words.

To describe that moment you want to hold onto forever,

and give the dead life again.

Sadly I'm not one to give that reresection to you,

or move you out of my memory to live again

to put you into something tangible

I can hold in my hand,

like writing your name

over and over

on a piece of paper

to keep in my wallet.



I knew when you pressed jades into my eyes

and the nails fell from my hands

because a god had spoken

I saw and wept

for my own soul.

Thank you for sparing me

so many times.


Feline Meditations

I adore how you can sit in the sunlight

and meditate for hours

and focus on a single dot

of sunbeam dust

then afterwards fall

into a deep sleep

where you run through

a jungle only you can

imagine having never

seen one but

know it's a world of green

flashes the colour of your



Thank you

You were always there for me.

A blank unbiased friend that

allowed me to make confessions to

with no judgement.

I would meet you at a library with

your own words that always seemed to

describe me when I dug deep enough.

You went by many names:

Leonard, Evelyn, Rita, William, Elliot, Allen,

Jack, E.E., Sylvia, Maya.

Thank you for saving this child.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


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July 2024 poems

Mute Swans

There are two mute swans that
call the pond their home,
moving around at the stone edge,
like the inside curve of a skull.

Beauty, silence, and grace.
These birds of tranquility,
spoke no bird-words
but could say so much:

Human static is nothing
in the grand scheme of life; it passes.
It's the small things
that keep us safe.


Dreams of Autumn

We open the final bottle of

summer melon wine

and split it under the moon

of soon slumbering summer.

Not too long now,

everything will turn to

burgundy, and gold,

and the sidewalks glossed

with sugar-glass crunch,

and cinnamon tasting air

with crisp cool apple ozone,

bright and shimmering,

splitting then autumn's

maple ginger mead,

under this unchanged moon.


Strange dreams

The night before

my dreams were

green onion green


red apple red


I couldn't tell


doors would open



beckoned for me

to be their sister

beyond the hill.



Shadow-laundresses during

the eclipse work over time

beating your shadow against the rocks

cleansing anew.

You turn the dial on the moon

counter clockwise when you laugh

pulling the sea towards you

in a playful gravity tug-of-war.

Luna and La Mer gives themselves to you

by the glow of your aquamarine eyes.

Everything around you flows so natural,

like snow so light on the wind,

and the shimmer of iridescent shell backsides.

Your hand in mine provides me a

new religion.


Rainy afternoon

Everything is still this afternoon

save for the tapping

of the rain's fingers

against glass

wanting in.

The trees shake

their hair dry

and look for

a towel.


The Perfumed Garden

I move between two

ying and yang,

alpha and omega,

and you, and me,

and you, and you

and me,

together interweave

forming us into

Nataraja in

a cosmic dance.

People think differently

at night I whispered to

you and you,

and you kissed my many

limbs and we danced

all night between the

cool air and the

perfumed garden. 


Dragons in rain

Did you do it,

the way you said you would?

Did you slink and slither,

with iridescent scales glistening

multicoloured under street lights,

and find your cave?

I remember how smoke

curled from your nostrils -

a dragon who extinguished

his flame,

and you told me you

couldn't wait to shine your boots

in the rain.

You cleaned everything in the rain

now that I remember.

It made things easy for you.

Shine on babe. I'll see you

some day in flight over the

city's skyline.



When you leave your scent on my sheets,

and the taste of your name in my mouth,

this city becomes gold, and green

like some Nostradamus dream.

You sleep so close to me, and

our dreams entwine like our limbs,

and we are like midnight vines climbing

up houses, and make love to each other

under the blanket of moonlight.

Night time makes me crave you,

to taste your name,

to speak it low,

and lower still,

as we dissolve into

each other's bodies

like streams seeking oceans.


Snow Bruised

The trumpet sounds

silver splashes

into the mouth

of my ears,

drowning my hearing

like an awakening

I can't experience,

save for whenever I

close my eye.

When I awaken,

I can lay worthy then

at your side,

and kiss warm

your snow bruised body,

and joyously shed my

salt water heathen tears

beside your grace.


Remembering When

We knew how to run between buildings

undetected, and slip past the lights

that illuminated patches of parks.

Wild in the streets

wild in the sheets

and wide in the

view that we would take over the world

one Saturday night at a time.



It doesn't matter if you use hooks

or feathered hands

Though the box will say

"handle with care"

no one ever does

and never will




like a tongue crucified

to an oak tree,

with no hope for


for what it speaks,

you remain mute,

by choice, and

never speaking again

of what you saw.

a silence so loud

that it can shatter




Ghost Movements

Such moves through this

fog - you -

slide through the distorted air,

and fleet past,

and my eyes can't

spit out the vision fast enough.

Standing - you -

just a finger's touch

out of reach.



Passing By

Every once in a while,

when the rain dampened the streets

giving off that wet concrete smell,

I remember you, and your opened door.

You on the step with a green coffee cup

which warmed your hands from

the damp day.

You are like a cut film strip

left on the floor now.

A look at a stranger's life

passing by a car window.



Severe Thunder

With the lightening flash



down trees into

stick like angels

and crows

black against black

skies grey highlighted

with rain



out from the



against white




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